Simple Tricks to Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi

Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi

Simple Tricks to Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi:-

Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi

We all love Wi-Fi with uninterrupted connection and at high speed. Sudden slow down of Wi-Fi may affect our work or whatever we are doing. Before proceeding any further please make sure that a number of devices sharing your Wi-Fi Bandwidth. Devices like Smart TV, Computers, Couple of phones, etc. If a number of devices are connected then you might experience slower speed. Stealing our Wi-Fi may sound not a threat. But it possesses some serious issues like unauthorized data tapping, hacking of our privacy details. So it is better to check it out and fix this issue. you can also say;- How to Detect if Someone’s Stealing Your WiFi

We have come up with some tricks to find the thief

1) Turn off devices:

All routers will have wireless signal light flickering over it. These lights will only flicker if any devices are connected to it. First, we need to turn off all the devices or unplug them. And make sure no other devices are connected to Wi-Fi. Now the wireless light won’t flicker. If it is still flickering, then someone other than you is using your Wi-Fi connection. If you can’t do this at your home as some devices need to be connected to the Wi-Fi continuously.

2) Use an app:

Simple installation of an app can help us to find the Wi-Fi thief. These apps usually scan for any unusual devices connected to the Wi-Fi network. So we can find the person responsible for Stealing our Wi-Fi.

Few apps that could be useful for this purpose:

Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi

This monitoring software is one of the popular ones in the market. It helps in easy connection to Wi-Fi devices, Network discovery, etc. We can save a list of devices using our Wi-Fi. This software notifies us whenever an unfamiliar login occurs.


This tool is not for free. If you are small average owners then this tool is too much. However, they have the free trial version which will root out the problems. It comes with unique features like Router management tools, Automatic detection of strange traffic, analysis of how the network is being used, and other in-depth tools. This software is more suitable for small business who are afraid of Wi-Fi thief’s accessing their network without permission.


This is the best tool for this purpose. Hi-Jacking is the mismatch between the DNS server. This software checks for the mismatch. If someone is stealing our Wi-Fi, or Hijack our internet stealthily it notifies instantly. It also helps to prohibit any unusual downloads.


It is a small utility that scans our wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices connected to the wireless network. In addition, it doesn’t use google app for this purpose. It can also scan for wired networks.

Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi

Fing runs on Android and iOS platform. It instantly scans for all the connections and displays all connections with their details like the nature of the connection.

3) Administrator logs:

We can log into our administrator page and check for the number of connections made to our router. We can do this by searching for “” or “”. If this doesn’t work then better go through the user manual of network provider.

As each device will have its own MAC address, we need to find which is our address. For this, you have a couple of websites to find the MAC address.  Click here to know your MAC address Find My MAC address

General tips to keep your connection safe:

If you have any other queries regarding this topic, please let us know so that we could help. And if you have any other ways to detect the Wi-Fi thief then do comment below.

Tell If Someone is Stealing Our Wi-Fi

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