Some important tricks for the latest version of Whatsapp

Some important tricks for the latest version of Whatsapp

Some important tricks for the latest version of Whatsapp

Whatsapp messenger now allows it’s users to format their messages like we do it in any word processor etc. We can now bold the letters and italicize any word or sentence.

We can now connect whatsapp to any web browser

Whatsapp now have launched a web browser version which can be connected to your mobile phone. You can now type or read all the messages on your laptop or PC.
To use this you first have to log in into the website of whatsapp in your browser. In your mobile now open the whatsapp and click the option button at the top right hand side of the screen, then click the whatsapp web. Then scan the QR code shown in the PC. To log out from all the connected devices, go and click the option then go to whatsapp web page and log out from there.

You can backup your conversation by using your E-mail ID

You can now keep a backup a conversation with your email id. In order to do it you have to select the chat you want to save. Then click the option then go to more and then click the email chat and then follow the instructions.

You can backup your chat by using your device’s local or cloud storage

To backup your device’s local as well as cloud storage, open the app and go to the settings then go to chat then select chat backup and then tap on the backup option.

You can know now the exact time when your message got read

We already know that the double grey ticks indicates that your message has been delivered and blue ticks shows that the message has been read by the receiver.
To use this feature open any random chat then select and hold any sent message then click on the info button. By doing this you’ll get to know the exact time when your message got read by the receiver.


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