How Much RAM Really good for Android Phone (Updated)

How Much RAM Really good for Android Phone (Updated)

How Much RAM Really good for Android Phone (Updated):-


Basically we wanted to write on this topic as this the common question of any person that How Much RAM Really good for Android Phone? or we can say, How much RAM do I need in a smartphone also we can search, How much RAM does a phone need? here is full answer so lets started:-


First, we’ll need to take a closer appearance at how RAM works on Android. If you’re familiar with Windows computers, you know that more RAM is typically better and having free RAM is a basic necessity for a well-performing system.

With Android, however, it works a slight differently. Android is based on the Linux kernel, which operates underneath an entirely different set of rules than that of Windows-based computers. And when it comes to RAM, one statement applies crosswise the board: free RAM is wasted RAM.

So, on Android, there’s no essential to clear out RAM for other apps to be loaded—this process occurs automatically and fluidly. RAM isn’t something you have to think about on greatest Linux-based machines.

That said, too little RAM is continuously going to be a problem. If the system doesn’t have enough RAM to work with, then apps start to become an issue—things running in the background will close prematurely/slow down (or when you don’t want them to).

Well, this issue became very prominent on Android phones/devices when Lollipop (5.x) was released, as it included much more aggressive memory management than previous varieties of the android OS. Since maximum phones back then were limited to 2 GB of RAM, this became an deceptive problem. For example: when using a phone in the car through Maps in the foreground and Music also in the background, the latter would frequently get shut down by the OS, killing music playback. If Music was in the forefront and Maps in the background, then Maps would get killed. It was exceptionally unsatisfying at the time.

That said, too little RAM is continuously going to be a problem. If the system doesn’t have enough RAM to work with, then apps start to become an issue—things running in the background will close prematurely/slow down (or when you don’t want them to).

Well, this issue became very prominent on Android phones/devices when Lollipop (5.x) was released, as it included much more aggressive memory management than previous varieties of the android OS. Since maximum phones back then were limited to 2 GB of RAM, this became an deceptive problem. For example: when using a phone in the car through Maps in the foreground and Music also in the background, the latter would frequently get shut down by the OS, killing music playback. If Music was in the forefront and Maps in the background, then Maps would get killed. It was exceptionally unsatisfying at the time.

While having this much RAM is unwarranted and honestly just kind of silly—it’s one of those “doing it just to be first” sorts of things—that doesn’t mean it really hurts everything. Will you ever use that abundant RAM? No, at least not right now.

At a time when many laptops are still distribution with 8 GB (or even 4 GB in some cases!), you have to enquiry- why a phone would need 10 GB? The answer is a quick one: it doesn’t.

Alright to understand this better, some phones will need extra RAM than others. Case in point: a Pixel phone vs. a Galaxy phone. Samsung tends to contain a lot of extra (read: superfluous) features on its phones. This leads to a substantial operating system that simply needs more RAM to function at a in height level. Pixel phones run stock Android, which is cleaner and brighter than the Samsung Skill. Thus, Pixel phones can get left with fewer RAM than a Galaxy to provide a similarly fluid experience. There’s even a detailed version of Android designed to efficiently run on as little as a solitary gigabyte of RAM.


So, there is a motive when more RAM is warranted in an Android phone. Again, maybe not ten gigabytes of RAM, but more. The current average is 4 GB, though we’re currently in a intermediate phase where 6 GB will start to become the norm. Producers like Samsung and OnePlus have already been implementation 6 GB (or even 8 GB) in many of their flagship phones, a number that will likely endure to rise in the coming years.

So really, all this is to say one thing or maybe two? there’s no such thing as “too much RAM,” and manufacturers are positively going to keep pushing that number to silly levels. Whatever—better additional than less. I’ll take it.

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